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About LUPC

Livingston United Parish Church is a growing community of people, of all ages and from all walks of life, who are drawn together by a common faith in Jesus Christ and who are privileged to have a wide range of connections with the people and communities of Livingston. Within our…

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Our Partners

St. Andrew’s Scots Kirk, Columbo, Sri Lanka: In recent years as a result of visits to Sri Lanka by Alistair Marquis, Chair of the Parish Council, LUPC has begun to develop a partnership with St. Andrew’s Church in Colombo (known locally as the “Scot’s Kirk”). We have raised funds to…

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Our Minister

Rev. Marc B. Kenton B.Th M.Th Marc is the Church of Scotland minister serving LUPC. Ordained for 25 years, Marc has served the church in South Africa as a Uniting Presbyterian Church minister and in England as a United Reformed Church minister. He is passionate about the art of preaching…

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Our Story

When Livingston was designated as Scotland’s 4th new town development in 1962, thoughts turned in church circles to the opportunity which presented itself in a completely new large town settlement in central Scotland. In 1963 the Scottish Council of Churches Annual Conference in St. Andrews recommended that the planned new…

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