Our Partners

St. Andrew’s Scots Kirk, Columbo, Sri Lanka:

In recent years as a result of visits to Sri Lanka by Alistair Marquis, Chair of the Parish Council, LUPC has begun to develop a partnership with St. Andrew’s Church in Colombo (known locally as the “Scot’s Kirk”).

We have raised funds to help restart the Helping Hands Project which enables the Church to support those who have very little.  Alistair writes: “This is a project I have been helping for the last six years by taking out simple items such as soap, combs, toothbrushes and various toiletries.  St Andrew’s Church also supports a full ward of 48 women at the national asylum and also sustains a house (Netherlee House) through church funds and help from Netherlee Parish in Glasgow which allows several ladies to find a half-way house back into living in the community – really fantastic work.  I’ve been in both the asylum and Netherlee House and have seen first hand the sterling work being done by the congregation in extremely challenging circumstances.”

Visit St. Andrew’s Scots Kirk on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/standrewsscotskirk.

Community Partners:

Hospitality Project:

The Barn is LUPC’s hospitality project. It presently operates 2 community cafés:

  • Carmondean Community Centre (North Barn) on Monday & Fridays from 8.30am-1.30pm
  • Mosswood Community Centre, Knightsridge on Tuesdays from 10am-2pm

We are also able to cater for special functions such as funeral teas. The project co-ordinator is Norma Brown and she can be contacted on thebarn@lupc.org.uk

The Barn at Carmondean has helped establish a Men’s Shed group which is developing a number of activities aimed at supporting the mental wellbeing of its members. The group is part of the Scottish Men’s Shed Association and is open to all members of the community not just men.

Soul Food is a weekly meal for individuals and families held at Mosswood Community Centre, Ferguson Way, Knightsridge on Tuesday evenings. This is a partnership between LUPC’s Barn Hospitality Project, Soul Food (Edinburgh), The Food Outlet in Knightsridge, and the management committee of Mosswood Community Centre.


LUPC has long established links with Livingston schools and provides Chaplaincy support to 10 primary and 2 secondary schools. This includes regular assemblies for all pupils and seasonal programmes at Easter and Christmas for P6 and P7.

Stepping Stones bereavement support course is an initiative of LUPC in partnership with The Bridge Community Project, West Lothian Funeralcare and Craigsfarm Community Hub. A course runs for 6 weeks and each session begins with a cup of tea or coffee and lasts no more than 90 minutes.  The purpose of the course is to provide a safe place for people living with loss to explore, in the company of others, their understanding and experience of bereavement.  All this is done in an informal and confidential setting. There is no financial charge for the course. 

Afternoon teas are held on the first Wednesdays of each month (apart from July & August) from 1-3pm. We are joined by a local charity/community group who have the opportunity to highlight their work. There is no charge for the tea but donations for the charity are welcome. 

Music4U is group for dementia sufferers and their carers and meets on the 3rd Wednesday afternoon of each month (apart from July & August). The programme is made up of songs, quizzes, games and plenty of tea and cake.

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